Rapid City Society for Genealogical Research, Inc.
Rapid City, South Dakota
Mount Rushmore - South Dakota
Serving the Rapid City, Black Hills and Western South Dakota Genealogical Community

About Us

Mission:  Contributing to the preservation of genealogical and historical records in the Black Hills area including Rapid City, the Black Hills, and Western South Dakota.
History:  The Rapid City Society for Genealogical Research, Inc., began in 1966 with a small group of people interested in finding out about all their ancestors.  
  • Providing a learning and sharing environment to its members and the public;
  • Giving our members help and encouragement in researching their family trees;
  • Purchasing genealogy books and microfilm to be placed in the Rapid City Public Library; and
  • Preserving and publishing as much history and genealogy of the Black Hills area as possible.
Membership benefits:
  • At our monthly meetings, we have speakers that present topics on different aspects of genealogy.
  • Our society publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Black Hills Nuggets, to which members and friends contribute articles of interest. 
  • Our society sponsors genealogy seminars from time to time.
  • We are planning field trips to various historical sites in our area and other educational opportunities relating to genealogy.
Annual membership dues are $25 per calendar year and are due January 1st of each year.  To join, fill out the application which can be found on "Become a Member" (see menu in blue section to left).  Print out the application and make check payable to RCSGR.  Mail application and check to Rapid City Society for Genealogical Research, c/o Christal Hexem, 5150 Merritt Road, Black Hawk, SD  57718.  If questions, contact our membership chairperson at membership@rcgenealogy.com.

Operating Year: January - December 2025

President: Ann Marie Juette
Vice President: Cherie Hilton
Recording Secretary: John S. Rankin
Past President: Kelly Neis
Treasurer: Roger A Bohls
Committee Heads
Correspondence: Carol Grothe
Editor: Cherie Hilton
Greeters: Christal Hexem
Historian: Eva K. Woolley
Librarian: John S. Rankin
Librarian LDS Liaison: Pam Martin
Long Range Planning Chair: John S. Rankin
Membership: Christal Hexem
Photographer: Vacant
Refreshments: Vacant
Research Coordinator: Glenda Neal
Web Media Committee Chair: Ann Marie Juette
Webmaster: Cherie Hilton

Meeting Info

You are welcome to join us for our meetings on the third (3rd) Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. We do not meet in the month of December.  Our meetings are held at the:
The church is located by Stevens High School.    Visitors are welcome to attend.  Check our meetings on the Home page for any changes in times or places.
A genealogical educational program is the highlight of the meeting, however, we also hold a brief business meeting and enjoy beverages and snacks.  We are usually finished between 8:30 and 9p.m.

New members are always welcome. For more information, contact us at askus@rcgenealogy.com

The RCSGR is an affiliate of the South Dakota Genealogical Society.